Steam Tips
How to videos, to help you get started with your new Euroflex Steam Mop
What’s in the box M2R
Look at what is included in the Vapour-M2R Floor Steam Cleaner box and how to assemble it.
What’s in the box M4S
Look at what is included in the Vapour-M4R Hybrid Steam Cleaner box and how to assemble it.
Getting Started M2R & M4S
Get ready to learn how to fill your steam floor cleaner with water and what the best way is to attach the premium quality microfibre pads.
Euroflex Vapour Steam Cleaners
Deep dive into Euroflex products and how they generate steam. Learn about the benefits of ‘superheated’ steam and understand what different floor types are suitable for Euroflex Vapour products.
Floor cleaning with the M2R
Watch how effortlessly the Vapour-M2R Floor Steam Cleaner glides on these tiles. Learn how to heat up, running time, automatic steam release, continuous steam function, cleaning floor edges and how to refresh carpets and kill any dust mites.
Floor cleaning with the M4S
The Vapour-M4S Hybrid Steam Cleaner, floor cleaning has never looked better. Learn how to heat up, understand running time, electronic steam release, pressurised steam function, how to clean floor edges and refresh carpets and kill any dust mites.
Surface Cleaning with the M4S
Surface cleaning with the Vapour-M4S Hybrid Steam Cleaner. Learn how to use it in portable mode, understand the method used to clean surfaces, see what accessories are included and watch the various demonstrations of household surfaces being steam cleaned.
The Euroflex ‘how to’ Guide
The Euroflex how to 101. Learn when to change the microfibre pad, when to refill with water, how to store after use as well as understand the detail around warranty and servicing.
Euroflex Unique features
There are many benefits to having a Euroflex Floor Steam Cleaner in your home. Find out more about the Euroflex unique features including steam distribution channels, Ultra-Dry Steam Technology, bonus carpet sledge and managing Asthma in the household.
Unique Features – M2R & M4S
Overcome any common errors by watching this video. Understand how your unit works, how you should refill your Floor Steam Cleaner and more.